Zako (雑魚 - Small Fry)

Aug 15, 2017 16:47
Yesterday, I introduced the Japanese word, "sanshita" (三下), which means a lower-level member of an organization.

Today I'd like to talk about the word, "zako" (雑魚), which is used as the similar meaning of "sanshita."

Originally "zako" is a word to call all small fish with low commercial value.

By extension, it has come to mean low-level or weak people.

Recent young people tend to use "zako" rather than "sanshita."

Incidentally, "zako" is often used in manga and anime.

Since both "sanshita" and "zako" contain derogatory meanings, please be careful when you use them.







No. 1 Mugen's correction
  • Yesterday, I introduced the Japanese word, "sanshita" (三下), which means a lower-level member of an organization.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Today I'd like to talk about the word, "zako" (雑魚), which is used as the similar meaning of "sanshita."
  • Today I'd like to talk about the word, "zako" (雑魚), which has a similar meaning to "sanshita."
  • Originally "zako" is a word to call all small fish with low commercial value.
  • Originally, "zako" is a word used to describe small fish with a low commercial value.
  • By extension, it has come to mean low-level or weak people.
  • Through this, it has come to mean low-level or weak people.
  • Recent young people tend to use "zako" rather than "sanshita."
  • Recently, young people tend to use "zako" rather than "sanshita."
  • Incidentally, "zako" is often used in manga and anime.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Since both "sanshita" and "zako" contain derogatory meanings, please be careful when you use them.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
ありがとうございました! 私も勉強になりました!
Thank you so much for the correcting my post! (^^)